Zenith Engineering And Equipments Private Limited
AutoFeeding Machine ZUS-16 AFMachine Features: Complete high grade cost from structure. Machine equipped

AutoFeeding Machine ZUS-16 AF Machine Features:  Complete high grade cost from structure.  Machine equipped with SIEMENS Electrical Kit.  Machine equipped with Italian Cylinder and Lubricant Technology.  Machine equipped with SKF Bearing (Germany) and motor has SKF Bearing too.  Machine equipped with horizontal and vertical clamp for cutting of wider profile with accuracy.  Extra heavy duty machine which highly suitable for cutting heavy and wider aluminum profile.  This machine is useful for cutting curtain wall section and wider window profile cutting application.  Machine provides with SCHINDER PLC, HMI & SERVO motor with the Japanese ball screw movement.  Feeding length and the number of cuts be easily fitted with a touchscreen.  Feeding accuracy is upto ±50 microns.  Extra heavy clamp arrangements horizontal and vertical for feeding device for optimum greeting while feeding. We are leading manufacturer of UPVC & Aluminum Cutting machines. AutoFeeding Machine ZUS-16 AF in Savli Gujarat AutoFeeding Machine ZUS-16 AF in Ahmadabad Gujarat

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